"How to Get Your Inner Forces All Moving
Toward the Same Goal!"

By  Stuart Lichtman

One of the more powerful things that we all know how to do is writing.

I'm not talking about "the power of the written word" sort of  thing.

I mean that writing is a powerful technique for creating a basic level of harmony among your often warring brain parts.

Think about it!

When you write things down, you first mentally translate the intuitive signals created by your unconscious into words and then intuitively test to see whether the words you've selected match what those signals mean. When they seem right to, you put words on paper.

For example, watch someone else writing when they don't know you're looking.

They will often hold their pen or pencil poised in the air while they look up.

What's going on inside of them is the process of translating intuitive feelings into words.

Then they will suddenly look down at the paper and start writing.

That's because they got an intuitive signals that the words and phrases they were mentally rehearsing hadn't triggered an unconscious conflict - and what they were thinking about writing seemed consciously okay.

But they may stop, lift their pen or pencil and look up again before scratching out or erasing part of what they've written and continuing with something new.

What's now going on is that they got intuitive signals of an unconscious conflict, a conflict among their brain parts - a conflict that was triggered by what they had written down - and they're responding to that signal by searching for words and phrases that no longer trigger that conflict. 

This process continues until what they have written down triggers no further unconscious conflicts.

In other words, until it seems right. 

At that point, they have achieved a basic level of harmony among  their brain parts.

Let's Look A Little Deeper At What's Going On When You Write?

As you write, you send visual, auditory, and tactile feedback to the various parts of your unconscious, your four brain parts.

If those unconscious parts don't agree with what you're writing,  you'll get intuitive feelings that things aren't right and usually scratch out or erase what you've written.

This continues to the point where you get only positive intuitive signals about what you've written. At that point, the major parts of your brain are in at least preliminary agreement and you're consciously satisfied with what you have written.

Applying This 

What I'm going to show you is pretty basic but it's definitely effective.

I'm going to have you frame something you and then create a basic level of harmony among your brain parts with respect to it.

Now, since this is a very basic process, don't pick something particularly difficult to achieve. For that, you need to use either the Basic Achievement Three-Step - if the what you want is only moderately difficult, or the Super Achievement  Three-Step -
if you want to achieve something seemingly impossible for you.

The Basic and Super Achievement processes are what's covered in my ebook, How to Get Lots of Money for Anything Fast - http://www.ebizindia.biz/fastmoney.php

Okay, here's how this basic process works:

  1. Focus on what you consciously want by writing a description.  This explicitly frames your conscious intent.

  2. While you are thinking about whether you can and will achieve what you want, be alert for any uncomfortable feelings. If and when you experience any, describe them in writing. This explicitly frames any signs of unconscious conflict.

  3. Read over your written description of what you want, to identify the specific words or phrases that trigger these signs of unconscious conflict. 

  4. Underline or circle the words or phrases that cause those  feelings. This explicitly frames what triggers the unconscious conflict.

Rewrite the words or phrases that you have marked. In this very familiar editing process, you are instructing your unconscious to do what it has often done before: to invent alternatives to what you first recorded. 

As you continue to edit, you are instructing your unconscious to keep coming up with more acceptable alternatives, bridging the gap between what you consciously want and your unconscious habit patterns.

When you reach a point where both your conscious and unconscious needs are met, the signs of conflict disappear.

At that point, you have achieved a basic level of unconscious harmony, harmony among your four brain parts.

This is a preliminary target and, if you do the other two steps of the Basic Achievement Three-Step, prioritizing your Target and resolving any unconscious conflicts that your prioritized Target triggers, you'll get what you have asked for.

Simple, isn't it?

This lesson was taken from "How to Get Lots of Money for Anything - Fast!" by Stuart A. Lichtman and Joe Vitale .  For more  information about this ebook, visit http://www.ebizindia.biz/fastmoney.php

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